Monday, February 15, 2016

Feb 15, 2016 Legislative Update

The 2016 Legislative session is half over and bills are starting to be passed from one house of congress to the other. The current list of bills that concern people with ID/DD is on the ARC of WA Resource Library page (the link is near the bottom of the resource page).

Today's main concern is Bill SB 5243

SB 5243 seeks to reverse a 2011 decision by the Legislature. The decision was to downsize and eventually close the Yakima Valley School (Institution) in Selah by stopping additional placements. The intent was to eventually close this institution and provide more services in the community. SB 5243 would reopen the institution to new admissions and increase respite beds in this institution instead of providing respite in local communities, where families want it.
If this is important to you, please email Senator Judy Warnock to vote NO on SB 5243 today. Tell her that you don't want to have to send your son/daughter to an institution/nursing home in Selah to get the respite you need.